Jekyll-theme-chirpy 主题增加目录展示级别


Jekyll-theme-chirpy 主题增加目录展示级别

Jekyll-theme-chirpy 主题默认只能展示 h2, h3,如果想要显示 h2,h3,h4, 可以参考:Ability to control/increase the Heading levels suppported by TOC Plugin · Issue #1023 · cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy 中 @otzslayer 的回复:

I’ve been modifying it myself so that H4 appears in the ToC, but I’m not sure if there’s a problem.

otzslayer@ 2128083

This is the commit I pushed to use, and it looks fine on my blog at the moment.

这位老哥的 commit 值接照搬就可以同时显示 h2, h3, h4。

如果想要同时显示 h1,h2,h3,h4,可以在上面修改的基础之上,将 h1 加进去,需要改动三个文件:


{% assign enable_toc = false %}
{% if site.toc and page.toc %}
  {% if page.content contains '<h1' or page.content contains '<h2' or page.content contains '<h3' or page.content contains '<h4' %}
    {% assign enable_toc = true %}
  {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if enable_toc %}
  <div id="toc-wrapper" class="ps-0 pe-4 mb-5">
    <div class="panel-heading ps-3 pt-2 mb-2">{{-[include.lang].panel.toc -}}</div>
    <nav id="toc"></nav>
{% endif %}


export function toc() {
  // if (document.querySelector('#core-wrapper h2,#core-wrapper h3')) {
    if (
      document.querySelector('#core-wrapper h1,#core-wrapper h2,#core-wrapper h3,#core-wrapper h4')
    ) {
    // see:
      tocSelector: '#toc',
      contentSelector: '.post-content',
      ignoreSelector: '[data-toc-skip]',
      // headingSelector: 'h2, h3',
      headingSelector: 'h1, h2, h3, h4',
      orderedList: false,
      scrollSmooth: false

post.scss 再加一层。

    ul {
      a {
        padding-left: 2rem;
      ul {
        a {
          padding-left: 3rem;
        ul {
          a {
            padding-left: 4rem;
